About Us
Centre for Legal Informatics Studies – Taranto Observatory
works as a NGO and is a part of the network CSIG Italy (20 associations). CSIG Taranto is a centre for research in the field of new technologies and its impact on our life and social dimension. It studies the social role of technology and every form of social inclusion mediated by technology.
CSIG Taranto works close with the University of Bari; together they have organized two editions of a Master Course in Information Technology and Law. Together they are publishing International Journal of Law and Digital Society.

CSIG Taranto is strong in IT law and Immigration Law and has been working for several years on issues regarding human rights, information, technology, e-learning, social networking.
In the area of migrations, it works on the following issues: protection of minors immigrants, political asylum, international and subsidiary protection, legalization of documents, divorces between foreigners in compliance with the standards of countries and religious diversity, reconciliation of children with immigrant parents, rapprochement between family members in different countries, policy and assistance for integrating immigrants, political assistance to the associations of first asylum and similar.

CSIG Taranto organizes lectures & courses in following topics:
- Human Rights and Digital Law
- E-Privacy Protection
- IT Law
- Private Law and Civil Law
- From Analogical to Digital contract
- E-privacy protection and right to be forgotten
- E-commerce internet guardianship
- International Negotiation
- Internet marketing and Law
CSIG Taranto is strong in IT law and Immigration Law and has been working for several years on issues regarding human rights, information, technology, e-learning, social networking.
In the area of migrations, it works on the following issues: protection of minors immigrants, political asylum, international and subsidiary protection, legalization of documents, divorces between foreigners in compliance with the standards of countries and religious diversity, reconciliation of children with immigrant parents, rapprochement between family members in different countries, policy and assistance for integrating immigrants, political assistance to the associations of first asylum and similar.

Our partnership organizations in Italy and in other countries:
- CSIG Pisa
- CSIG Bari
- CSIG Napoli
- CSIG Milano
- Emuni
- Bari University
- Lawyers Order of Taranto